These are fascinating topics, but the background science is complex.
Roger writes clearly, so you'll soon get the gist.
Author of a series of popular business handbooks
Roger's books are easy to read. They'll guide you through the complexities, making clear sense of risk-taking behaviour and how to report on it. His insights and guidance help all kinds of organisations to survive and thrive.

Conduct Risk Management sees beyond econometric and other 'box-ticking' traditions of risk management.
The new conduct regulations personally affect every manager in financial services, and their suppliers, with new regulations making senior managers liable to imprisonment for failures in organizational conduct.
Conduct Risk Management sets out plainly what practitioners need to know to understand the regulator's intentions, to prove compliance, protect competitiveness and maintain licence to operate.
"A refreshingly enjoyable read, but more than that, a timely expert insight into why and how our sector has to change fundamentally the way it engages with politics and public goods. This change of outlook has implications far beyond our markets – there are valuable lessons for policy-making at the highest level."
Available in paperback and Ebook

This book provides the insights and tools firms need to report on culture, securing both enhanced business value and the regulator's approval.
Culture is now seen as a key contributor to good governance, but conventional measures of business quality are unfit for the new reporting agenda.
Culture Audit in Financial Services follows the arc of 'behavioural regulation' to examine what the regulator really wants, before offering guidance on how culture audit differs from conventional auditing.
Available in paperback and Ebook
"An all-round excellent reading experience: crisply written, with sharp graphics and pithy fact boxes. Culture Audit is packed with clear, current and bright insight – which is no less than we'd expect from the world-leading practitioner expertise behind it."
He is a regular contributor to economic, financial and regulatory papers, commentaries and learning media...
He has also co-authored and contributed to many risk culture books and reports:
If your project could benefit from Roger's expertise, get in touch
Roger's research makes a real difference
He is in continual demand for his discreet, trenchant insights and highly engaging solutions.
Enabling safe speak-up
The Result
As a rare, high-level qualified research professional in specialist, sensitive-topic research, Roger is able to quickly reveal and highlight 'unvoiced issues'.
"I’ve never told anyone this, but…”
Produced popularly supported action plans that address and remediate causes of low morale.
Seeing over the horizon
The Result
Worked with complete discretion with a worldwide senior leader group, using the Behavioural Lens to produce robust predictions of high-impact culture changes in key stakeholder groups.
Identified near-future and generational changes in stakeholder expectations.Helped to stop the brand losing stakeholder trust, amid shifting thresholds of 'what’s acceptable and expected behaviour'.
Board risk governance refresh
The Result
Roger worked with senior leaders to design clearer focused, plainer reporting of key behavioural variables.
Boards report clearer risk-focused conversations and more confident decision-making
'Expected Behaviour’
– what does it mean in practice?
The Result
Roger made senior leaders familiar with their latest reporting responsibilities by leading an intervention.
With enthusiasm, they became 'ambassadors for exemplary conduct', with the leader group returning 100% positive evaluations of the programme.
Transforming engagement
The Result
Roger confidentially researched real experiences of non-alignment. He led with direct interventions to prompt ‘culture-aware’ working, sharing new insights and transferring knowledge.
Coached a workforce into strong alignment to values. Secured measured, firmwide buy-in to the initiative, delivering strong and sustained spontaneous engagement.
Eyes-on purpose and value
The Result
Roger confidentially researched real experiences of non-alignment. He led with direct interventions to prompt ‘culture-aware’ working, sharing new insights and transferring knowledge.
Measurably improved alignment of observed behaviours with espoused values.
Stakeholder challenge
The Result
Conducted rapid, deep-insight original research into the brand’s culture, identifying ‘expectation gaps’, resistant subcultures, various local misalignments against values.
Shaped a robust, positive cultural response when key stakeholders challenged leaders following an abrupt change in market expectations
Better reporting to the ‘Conduct Regulators’ watching you
The Result
Roger identified value-raising indicators [MI] for conduct and culture; retired a range of ineffective tools.
Assembled all-new, fully effective data sources (MI) that uniquely fit and serve a global brand.
Let Roger help you identify where positive changes can be made in your company